Many people make the impossible possible with their dedication and efforts

Do what you can

It is said that a ten-year-old child fell into a well in a village. The news spread like wildfire throughout the village. Children, the elderly and women were all worried about what would happen next. The mother of the child was also standing on one side impatiently when suddenly the same ten year old child came with another five year old child and she told everyone there that this five year old child has saved my life.

Obviously, the residents of all these villages, like me, did not believe it. But an elderly man in the village also solved the mystery that this child was right in saying that his life was saved by this little boy, because when this child was saving the life of a boy older than himself in a desert, there No one was going to discourage him and no one was going to tell him you couldn't do it.

So the point now is how many people make the impossible possible. There is a hand of effort and dedication in this but it is only to a limited extent. The key to success is to continue your work consistently despite opposition from others. You must be sure that if you are moving in the right direction and your conscience is satisfied, no one can stop you and Allah Almighty is your supporter.

Every day we will meet many people around us who will break our hearts instead of encouraging us. This situation will happen not only at home but also in our office. Many times our colleagues will talk behind their backs and stir up office politics. We have to be accountable for many things we have not done. Sometimes we will work hard and our boss will get all the compliments. It will often be heard that you do not have any leadership ability, you will be replaced by someone else. We don't feel any hesitation in admitting many wrong things for fear of losing our jobs.

In the same way, at home, whether it is cooking, treating guests or treating relatives, there is a feeling of jealousy and rivalry between siblings and then when they grow up, this passion begins to grow stronger. ۔ Man's only mistake is that he gives up on these things, gives up, starts crying over troubles and starts backing away from his goal.

You will recall how many people ridiculed the Wright brothers for not being able to fly. But they made the impossible possible. Similarly, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah's attempt to create Pakistan was called a crazy dream by many. But even Quaid-e-Azam never hesitated to make any sacrifice to achieve his goal and took all Muslims and minorities with him.

Thus there are many examples in life of people who have worked tirelessly to complete their mission. But there is an aspect of neglect that we have to learn to succeed. Don't let all the negative things come close to you that ruin your peace of mind and also keep your mind away from all those people who lower your morale and say negative things about you.

There is also a degree of criticism. If anyone really sympathizes with you, they will tell you that jumping without a parachute is fatal. But there will be some who will say that you can't escape even using a parachute, because you don't have the ability to do anything. It's up to you to differentiate between the two.

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