How mercy like water is becoming a nuisance.

Don't Bother to Become a Mercy like Water

You have often heard that when there is more rain, more water comes, which later becomes a nuisance. If not available, this can be a problem. When there is a severe shortage of water in the summer season and on the other hand the tanker mafia also becomes active. Because water is such a blessing, more or less it causes trouble. But if used sparingly and protected, then this mercy does not become a nuisance.

Unless we understand the importance of water, we will not appreciate this mercy. If we talk about Asia and Africa, about 78% of the population suffers from water problems. This is due to pollution, failed policies and poor urban infrastructure as a result of industrial development in the region. While clean drinking water is essential for every human being, on the other hand, polluted water endangers human lives. Because many canals in Asia are polluted with industrial waste and wastewater. Surprisingly, only 8 of the world's 10 most polluted canals are located in Asia, including the Indus Canal and the Ganges Canal.

Water is the only liquid that has a direct effect on human health. As a result, about 200 million people in the world suffer from cholera, diarrhea, polio, typhoid and other water-borne diseases due to drinking contaminated water. Lack of water leads to health, food problems, which become an obstacle to economic development to eradicate poverty. This leads to the loss of social harmony, which is a major problem in the pursuit of human rights in developing countries. That is why the UN General Assembly formally introduced the provision of clean water as a human rights issue in July 2010. In this regard, Resolution 64/292 made clean drinking water and sanitation essential for human rights.

The Sustainable Development Goal's agenda is to provide clean water to all by 2030. That is why the World Bank says that millions of people do not have access to drinking water and more than 200 million people lack access to clean water. 70 million people in Asia lack access to clean water.

If we talk about Pakistan, the water crisis in Pakistan could be serious, which is ranked 13th in the world, while India is ranked 14th. This ranking is issued by the World Resource Institute. While the availability of water in Pakistan is declining on a large scale. The main reason for this is the growing population and urban settlement, which is why the use of water is increasing. But we also don't have a specific water conservation strategy.

If observed, Pakistan has the capacity to store water for less than 30 days, while India can store up to 200 days of water in its canals, and the United States can store up to 900 days. This revelation has been made by the World Bank.

The water crisis intensifies in Pakistan in the summer, but the government formulates policies in this regard, but the people do not seem to benefit from it. At the same time, it is the responsibility of the people to use this blessing carefully and to avoid wasting it. As soon as this mercy does not become a nuisance.

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